
Scholl Canyon MND Comments

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Community Events Small Business

We Heart Eagle Rock!

One of the charms of Eagle Rock is its variety of small, local businesses. It’s hard for small businesses to compete with the big guys, especially now, as holiday shopping (and dining) season arrives. Small Business Saturday is a way to reconnect with and support our small, local businesses. Come show your support by participating in the 7th Annual WE HEART EAGLE ROCK on November 25, 2017. Visit the Facebook page for more information.

Community Events

Eagle Rock Community Clean Up

Please join TERA, Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council, and Jose Huizar’s office next Saturday and help to keep Eagle Rock beautiful.

Alcohol Conditional Use Permit Land Use

Letters of Support for 2131 Colorado Blvd.

Environment Local

TERA and CD 14 Requests to Hold Hearing on Scholl Canyon

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Scholl Canyon Redux

Scholl Canyon has returned as a community issue. Over three years ago, TERA, Council District 14, and the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council along with other community groups banded together to oppose the expansion of Glendale’s landfill which resides in our backyard.
Today, Glendale is proposing something different…a Biogas Renewable Generation Project, which is essentially a methane recovery/power generation system.

At this point, we do not have enough information to know whether this is a good or bad thing for the community, especially without knowing if this includes another proposed expansion of the facility.
There is an Environmental Review period that was set to expire on September 30th. But, as seems to be the norm with Glendale, there was no notice provided to the community. But, thanks to the efforts of our council office, that comment period has been extended to October 20th.

So, what can you do:

1) Attend the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council meeting set for this coming Tuesday, October 3rd. Check the ERNC website ( for the time and location. There will be an agenda item regarding this issue.

2) Review the project at this link –

3) Send your comments and feedback to:

Community Development Department
Planning Division Office
Municipal Services Building, Room 103
633 East Broadway
Glendale, California

You can also call or send an email to case planner Dennis Joe in the Planning Division at (818) 548-2140 or (818) 937-8157, email:

TERA will continue to monitor and review this issues and keep you updated.

Community Events

2017 Eagle Rock Music Festival

Please remember to get your tickets to the 2017 Eagle Rock Music Festival. This music festival is an annual community event put on by the Center for the Arts Eagle Rock and the office of Councilman Jose Huizar. This “By Locals, For Locals” community festival celebrates the diverse talent and imagination of the musicians, artists, community members and local businesses of Northeast Los Angeles.  The festival is scheduled for Saturday, October 7th, 2017 4:00 – 10:00 p.m. and held on Colorado Blvd. between Eagle Rock Blvd. and Argus Dr.

The following are the artists and musicians scheduled to appear at the festival

Land Use Planning

Fighting L.A. City Hall could get a lot more expensive

Alcohol Conditional Use Permit Land Use Local

Tell Us What You Think!!!

There’s currently a bill pending before the California Assembly (it has already passed the Senate) that would allow liquor to be sold until 4 a.m. TERA wants to hear what you think – do you agree with this? Would you prefer alcohol to be sold until 4 a.m? Or, remain as is (currently, you can purchase alcohol between the hours of 6 a.m. and 2 a.m.)?

Events Local

El Mercado at the York Village