Rock the Boulevard is an initiative sponsored by The Eagle Rock Association, in partnership with Council District 14 and the City of Los Angeles, to bring about community-driven design and economic improvements to Eagle Rock Boulevard.
Rock the Boulevard builds upon and complements the success of the Take Back the Boulevard initiative for Colorado Boulevard, where enhancements are underway.
Rock the Boulevard was introduced to the community in January 2018 with an initial meeting and conversation regarding the future Eagle Rock Boulevard. This important visioning dialogue continued at three more community meetings, concluding in May 2018.
Creating a vision for the future of Eagle Rock Boulevard based on community feedback is the first step in a longer process. The next phase of Rock the Boulevard will focus on developing grant applications to secure funding for the desired improvements. Preparation of winning grant applications is a challenging task requiring highly developed skills, and TERA is fortunate to have consultant Deborah Murphy engaged for this task.
From our meetings, surveys, and other outreach, we learned that the community envisions an Eagle Rock Boulevard that is greener, safer, and more vibrant. At community meetings, local stakeholders described wanting a safer Eagle Rock Boulevard on which to shop, dine, travel, linger, and visit with their kids. They also expressed a desire for expanded green space and more shade.
In light of these conversations, Rock the Boulevard’s plan for Eagle Rock Boulevard incorporates many community-supported elements into a coherent vision of a greener, safer, and more vibrant Eagle Rock Boulevard. The plan includes:
- An expanded median from York to Westdale that will offer opportunities for community-designed open space, recreation, public art, or sustainability features
- Closing off an illegal and dangerous cut-through from York onto Eagle Rock at Alumni with a new pedestrian plaza
- New pedestrian plazas at Fair Park & Eagle Rock
- A new crosswalk at Corliss and an improved crosswalk at Ridgeview.
- A new signal at Fair Park
- New pedestrian-scale lighting and tree planting along Eagle Rock
- Opportunities for plantings and public art.
- Bus stop improvements including, lighting, seating, trash, and shelters
- New “transit island” features that will allow quicker boarding for riders and reduce delays
- ADA-compliant ramps at all street corners on Eagle Rock, along with curb extensions
- New “Leading Pedestrian Intervals” (LPIs) at existing signals to give people crossing the street a head start and increase their visibility
- A parking-protected bike lane on Eagle Rock from Merton to York. Parking-protected bike lanes are a well-established way to make bike lanes safer for people riding in them, as well as better order the road to provide safety and consistency for people driving, biking, and walking. They are appealing to a broader ridership due to the improved safety they offer
- A parking-protected bike lane on Fair Park from Eagle Rock to Maywood. By adding a parking-protected, two-way bicycle facility to the north side of Fair Park, kids will be able to bike directly to Eagle Rock Elementary without crossing Fair Park and mixing with pickup and drop off traffic
- New bike racks
- Traffic calming on neighborhood streets like Ellenwood and Ave 46 with speed tables and other measures
A grant for $16 million was awarded by Metro in 2019, and is currently underway for implementation! Please feel free to review the Rock The Boulevard plans below for reference: