Dear Fellow Eagle Rockers,
By now, many of you have heard the sad news of the passing of TERA’s president, Greg Merideth, in September. Greg was a kind and generous leader, and I count myself lucky to have had him as a friend and colleague, and to have spent the last half decade working closely with him on advocacy for our community of Eagle Rock. Now, I am taking up Greg’s legacy and stepping in as the interim TERA president.
For the past five years, I have served officially as TERA’s treasurer, though I’ve also worn many other hats: leading many of TERA’s advocacy efforts, sending out monthly newsletters, and supporting TERA’s administrative operations. By day, I am an architect, and I have always sought to bring my expertise as a professional who is both creative and adept at navigating bureaucracy to my local advocacy.
I’m excited about working with our current TERA board as we enter this new chapter, and I’d like to introduce and acknowledge them here. Luis Lopez, a former president of the area planning commission, serves as our Vice President and Membership Director. Claire Bowin, a new board member this year, brings her unique expertise in the arts, urban planning, and landscape architecture to her position as TERA’s Treasurer. New board member Colleen Corcoran is an accomplished graphic designer who serves as Communications Director. And Orion Turmon, an enthusiastic college student pursuing an education in urban planning, serves as our Secretary. TERA is well served by this unique expertise of this group, and we will be looking to grow our all-volunteer board in the near term.
TERA works best when we find ways to bring our community together, and when we find ways to collaborate with our elected leaders and other organizations on ideas that inspire us. Over the next few months, the TERA Board will be working to set an agenda and priorities for our advocacy moving forward. We welcome the input of our members, and I want to personally invite you to reach out to me at with your insight and ideas for how TERA can work to improve our Eagle Rock community.
With gratitude,
Michael MacDonald