"Eagle Rock: Where land use planning is a contact sport"



-- e.letter --

March 13, 2003

In this issue:














ALERT!  ALERT!  ALERT!  (Immediate Action Needed)

The Legislative Analyst has proposed alternative options for the Legislature to consider in making reductions to the Governor's Budget Plans for 2003-2004.

On February 21, the Legislative Analyst released suggestions which include Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) as follows:

·         Suspend the program funding for one year.

·         Analyst's comment:  This reduction targets extra resources at highest-achieving students.  These students can be served within base core resources.

She has also proposed the inclusion of the GATE education funds as undesignated block grant funding to school districts for each district to distribute.  Technically, funds would not be earmarked for GATE students.


Parents should immediately contact their local Assembly Members and Senators to express their views  concerning the Legislative Analyst's proposals.  Your Los Angeles area member of the Budget Subcommittee on Education is:
Assembly Member Jackie Goldberg, (D-Los Angeles) Room 2003.

Please address your letters as follows:

The Honorable Jackie Goldberg
State Capitol, Room 2003
Sacramento, California  95814
Dear Assembly Member/Senator


The Eagle Rock Community Cultural Center (ERCCC) invites all to the first annual Route 66 Art Auction with proceeds supporting the CenterÐs festivals, programming and exhibitions.
 Artists from all over Los Angeles have donated their work.  Among the artists featured are Kim Dingle, Elsa Dorfman, Donald Ferguson, Caio Fonseca, Kevin Hass,  Charles Karubian, Joyce Lightbody, Kelly McLane, Julie McManus, Dave Tourje, and Benjamin Weissman

There will be over a hundred pieces in all mediums.  Many minimum bids are affordable.  There will be both a silent and live auction.  Theatre, theater directors Nicolette Chaffey and Jeff Murray will be mistress and master of ceremonies with guest auctioneers.  Entertainment will be provided by Damon Zick and Friends and Leila Luna, a gypsy dancer.  Refreshments will be plentiful, including a complementary martini bar.  Please come help us celebrate the Center and its programs, festivals and concerts.

Art is now on display at the Cultural Center through the 14th, 1 to 6PM.

The ERCCC is a non-profit organization, supported solely by grants and donations, providing low cost art, music, dance and computer classes to children and adults of surrounding areas and communities.

For more information call Lui or Jenny at the Eagle Rock Community Cultural Center, (323) 226-1617.  The Center is located just west of the corner of Eagle Rock Boulevard and Colorado Boulevard at 2225 Colorado Boulevard, Eagle Rock.


Fundraiser for Chicano Artist Ramses Noriega, Saturday, March 15, 2003 from 2-4 p.m.
The Avenue 50 Studio would like to invite you to a fundraiser for Chicano artist Ramses Noriega to help pay medical bills he incurred from a recent prostrate operation to remove a tumor.  Noriega's pen and ink drawings, etchings and ink washes will be sold unframed at a one-day sale at the Avenue 50 Studio.  As we all know, medical insurance is virtually non-existant for those of us working outside the corporate world.
Background on Ramses Noriega:
Noriega has been exhibiting his art since the 50's in Mexicali, Mexico where he first exihibited art for and by children from the Barrio.  A graduate of Coachella Valley High School, he eventually taught art at UCLA, SDSU and Hayward State University during the 70's.  He has been the cover artists for the historic magazine, "El Grito.  A Journal of Contemporary Mexican-American Thought".  As a political activists, Noriega painted a mural at UCLA entitled "History of LA Raza".  A strong supporter of the Chicano art movement, Noriega has presided over 50 lectures and symposiums in the U.S and Mexico, speaking on such themes as Chicano art, Chicano murals, and Chicano art and politics.

"Noriega has been able to synthesize his sense of justice derived from his days as a leader in the Chicano movement, and his incredible hope . . . , into an art that exposes all the cruelty and despair of the human condition, of a world spinning out of control, and confronts it with the hope of beauty . . . . "   
- Andres M. Montoya
National winner of the UC Irvine Chicano/Latino Literary Prize, 1997

Please join us to help Ramses raise some very needed money.
When:  Saturday, March 15, 2003 from 2-4 p.m.
Where:   The Avenue 50 Studio, 131 No. Avenue 50, Highland Park, CA  90042 (323) 258-1435, email:  
ave50studio@msn.com.  Contact:  Kathy Gallegos

Eagle Rock's own Catfish Bite Outlet will air as part of a Segment for HGTV (HOME and GARDEN TELEVISION) called "The Finer Things."  This will be syndicated nationally on March 16th (Sunday).  Our new Catfish Bite Outlet Web site will go live one week before this segment, at
The scheduled times for Catfish Bite Outlet on HGTV are as follows:
SUNDAY:                           MARCH 16
SHOW TITLE:                  "TRICKS OF THE TRADE"
7:00 PM
10:00 PM
1:00 AM
5:00   PM
8:00   PM
11:00 PM
6:00   PM
9:00   PM
12:00 AM
7:00   PM
10:00 PM
1:00  AM
For more information about this segment go to
http://www.HGTV.com and search by program name, "Tricks of the Trade."  Also, please look for our online shopping web site that will go live Saturday, March 16, 2003 -- http://www.catfishbiteoutlet.com

Gina T
Catfish Bite, Inc.
(Catfish Bite Corporate Office)

The Eagle Rock Catfish Bite Outlet is located at:

1565 Colorado Blvd.  Across from Trader Joe's
Thursday 11:30  to 6:00  
Friday 11:30  to 6:00
Saturday 10:00  to 5:00

Great household and gift items throughout the store!  Check it out!


We would like to remind you of this upcoming event.

Metro Gold Line Mtg.

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2003
Time: 6:00PM - 8:00PM PST (GMT-08:00)

MTA Metro Gold Line Open House regarding Gold Line train testing and safety.
Ramona Hall 4580 N Figueroa Avenue, Highland Park


In commemoration of  Cesar Chavez Day

The Collaborative, Eagle Rock Beautiful and The Neighborhood Watch of Rockdale, Shelby and Lanark Avenues present

"Si, Se Puede!"
(Yes, we can!)
A workday to create beauty with our own hands

Saturday, March 29, 9:00-noon.

           A project made possible by the Los Angeles Neighborhood Matching Fund.

Help make Eagle Rock more gorgeous and green.

We'll be planting trees, succulents, and mending fences -- at the NE corner of Shelby and Lanark Streets.
One block east of Figueroa, just south of La Loma and the Edison Towers.

The more volunteer hours we have, the more $$$ we earn for this project!

Bring digging/planting tools, work clothes, and get dirty with your neighbors!  Information/Donations (big rocks, succulents, soil):




Below is a March 13, 2003, article from the Santa Monica Mirror.  It seems Walgreens has once again attempted to get around the law, this time in Santa Monica.  Luckily for those who live in that city, their Planning Department, through careful scrutiny by their ARB (Architectural Review Board, the equivalent of Eagle Rock's Design Review Board), has its act together.  That city, unlike ours, has the courage to stand up for their planning and design principles.

Gee, Eagle Rock's Design Review Board turned down the Walgreens proposal, but the Los Angeles Planning Department paid no heed to the Board's sound advice and approved it nevertheless.  Below is, "Reflecting the Concerns of the Community," something LA, at least in CD 14, hasn't yet learned to do.  We're hoping a new City Council will change that.

Reflecting the Concerns of the Community
                        March 12 - 18, 2003
                        Vol. 4, Issue 39

                        Thursday, March 13, 2003
                        ARB Vetoes Walgreens¼ "Billboards¾

                        1932 Wilshire Boulevard. See story below.
                         photos by Chris Zielin

                        James Allardice
                        Mirror staff writer

                           From the moment signs as large as billboards appeared in the
                        exterior walls of the new Walgreens store at 20th Street and
                        Wilshire, passersby wondered about them.
                           When Architectural Review Board (ARB) member Howard Laks
                        saw them, he contacted the City Planning staff to see if they had
                        received ARB approval.
                           "I had noticed while driving by the site that the added signage
                        was not consistent with prior ARB approvals,¾ Laks said.
                           At ground level and backlit, the signs featured photos of Doritos
                        chips (see photos, right), Listerine mouthwash and other products,
                        were installed when the new store opened.
                           "Based upon my observation, I had asked Planning staff to
                        agendize for discussion if the added storefront signage was in
                        compliance with prior ARB or staff approvals,¾ Laks said.
                           In February 2001, the ARB had approved five signs: a two and a
                        half by 17 feet sign that simply said, "Walgreens¾ in neon lights; a
                        "24 hours¾ sign; a "Pharmacy¾ sign; a smaller "Walgreens¼¾
                        and the chain¼s logo, a mortar and pestle with stars. All five signs
                        were to appear on both the Wilshire and 20th Street sides of the
                           These signs were an addition to Walgreens¼ original sign request.
                        According to the February, 2001 staff report, "Staff believed that
                        initial proposed sign plans, which showed åWalgreens,¼ å24 HRS,¼
                        and åPHARMACY¼ in large script on the walls above the display
                        window as well as the Walgreens logo in the second floor window
                        element above the entrance, did not adequately meet the requirement
                        for pedestrian-scaled signage. The revised sign plans show the logo
                        moved to the first floor window on the corner of Wilshire
                        Boulevard and 20th Street, as well as the å24 HRS¼ and
                        åPHARMACY¼ signs reduced in size and lowered to the canopy
                           In October, 2002, the ARB rejected Walgreens¼ request for two
                        window signs. In recommending that the board reject the
                        application, City staff wrote, "The applicant proposes two new
                        window signs within the display window facing Wilshire
                        Boulevard. The two window signs would be identical metal cabinets
                        hung from the ceiling of the display window. These internally
                        illuminated cabinets would advertise the tenant¼s photo processing
                        service and would be recessed slightly from the glazing. However,
                        the proposed signage brings the total signage for the building
                        beyond the maximum allowable sign area as allowed by the Sign
                        Code, and approval of a sign adjustment is required in order to
                        allow the proposed window signs.¾
                           At its February 3 meeting, the ARB discussed the possible sign
                        violation, and the rest of the board agreed with Laks that the signage
                        was not compliant. Since then, the signs have been removed, and the
                        windows are now empty.
                           "Once confirmed by planning staff of noncompliance, ARB
                        requested that staff contact code enforcement to notify the property
                        owners of sign violations,¾ Laks said. "Planning staff was prompt
                        on our request.¾
                           According to Laks, about half of the matters ARB deals with are
                        directly related to the review and approval of signage.
                           "It is important to note that ARB, Planning Commission, Staff
                        and other related boards and commissions work long hours to
                        assure that buildings, signage and uses are of acceptable appearance
                        and contribute toward improving the city¼s overall quality,¾ Laks

Copyright © 2003 by Santa Monica Mirror.  All rights reserved.  Questions or comments?



You won't be seeing that blue International "carry all" with the license plate "PacRat" going up and down Eagle Rock Boulevard anymore, driven by an older man with massive shoulders and a baseball cap over his yellow-white hair, slightly bent over the steering wheel, his craggy profile looking like it had been chiseled on Mount Rushmore.  Randy "Brad" Bradley, Eagle Rock resident, 72, died Thursday, February 27, 2003, from injuries sustained in a 30-foot fall from a hiking trail at Camp Fox in Catalina while volunteering at the school outing of his grandson, Cory Springer.

If a strong community is made up of people who are capable citizens who do more than their part, and who are loving and responsible family members, congenial and generous friends and helpful and friendly neighbors, then Randy "Brad" Bradley made Eagle Rock a wonderful community to live in, and he will be terribly missed.

Randy had a big and very kind heart.  He and his wife of over twenty years, Diana, contributed to every worthy cause, took in homeless dogs and cats, treating them royally, and fed every creature in the vicinity, and got them spayed or neutered.  He gave work to homeless persons, along with "loans."  He didn't wear his politics or his religion on his sleeve, but his opinions, when solicited, showed wisdom and compassion.

If you were very lucky, you had Randy for a neighbor.  He had every tool ever made, all stored, labeled and neatly tucked away in his garage and elsewhere along with other "might come in handy"-type articles.   So, whatever your problem, stalled car, plugged-up plumbing or your truck being stuck going from Ridgeview up the steep College View street, Randy had the solution.  

When a teenage heavy metal garage band played heavy metal music next to Randy's bedroom, Randy showed only interest and support in their musical progress.  Randy kept a benign look-out on the neighborhood, spotting and putting out at least two house fires, once being forced to break down the door to get in. One dark December evening, a neighbor and her sister managed to lock themselves out of the house in their nightgowns!  Randy got them back inside, cold and embarrassed, but safe.

We on Ridgeview will miss this fine man.

Carol Downer
2451 Ridgeview Avenue, Eagle Rock


Mayor Jim Hahn officially proclaimed March 11, 2003, as 3-1-1 day in the City of Los Angeles.

"As part of my commitment to providing every resident, business and visitor to Los Angeles with world-class customer service, I am proclaiming today, March 11, 2003, as 3-1-1 day in the City of Los Angeles," said Mayor Hahn.  "The 3-1-1 program gives residents easy access to any service with 'one call to City Hall.'

The 3-1-1 system consolidates city service telephone numbers into one easy-to-remember number that city residents, businesses and visitors can call for city information and non-emergency services.  

Customers can also dial 3-1-1 during non-business hours, including weekends and holidays, to request bulky item pick-up.  Additional pilot service requests for 3-1-1 are scheduled to begin soon while the City develops a comprehensive service request system where "one call does it all."

Since 3-1-1 was implemented in November 2002, calls to the city's 9-1-1system have decreased by 5 percent.  The reduction in non-emergency calls has enabled law enforcement to better respond to true emergencies.

For more information regarding the 3-1-1 system, please visit the website located at www.lacity.org/call311.
Katisha Robinson
Press Deputy
Office of Mayor James K. Hahn
200 N. Spring St. Rm. 303
Los Angeles, CA 90012
213-978-0513 office
213-978-0576 fax


March 9, 2003

...Connecting Communities

Upcoming Meetings:

Standing ArroyoFest Meeting Every Monday

In order to take advantage of people's interest in helping out, I will holding a standing meeting every Monday after work until June 15th.   This will be a time to learn the latest, find out how you can help and pick up materials to take out into the community.  We specifically need people to take materials to businesses, schools and community groups.

Date: Mondays
Time: Drop-in -- 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.
Location:  Center for Food and Justice. 2106 Colorado Blvd. in Eagle Rock.
The Center for Food and Justice is located one and a half blocks east (toward Pasadena) from the corner of Colorado and Eagle Rock Blvd. Storefront office is located on the south side of the street between Caspar and Mayflower. Free street parking is available after 6 p.m.

Community Outreach Subcommittee Meeting

Come to this meeting as we rally outreach volunteers and strategize for the next two months about the best way to get the word out on the street about the event.

Date: Monday, March 17th
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Center for Food and Justice. 2106 Colorado Blvd. in Eagle Rock.
The Center for Food and Justice is located one and a half blocks east (toward Pasadena) from the corner of Colorado and Eagle Rock Blvd. Storefront office is located on the south side of the street between Caspar and Mayflower. Free street parking is available after 6 p.m.

ArroyoFest Teacher Training Planning Group

Help plan a special workshop on the Arroyo for area teachers. The workshop will be held on April 25th & 26th and May 2nd & 3rd at various locations around the Arroyo.  Help us bring the community into the classroom

Date:  Wednesday, April 2
Time: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Urban and Environmental Policy Institute, 1882 Campus Road, Eagle Rock.
The Institute is located on the edge of the Occidental Campus. Turn east on Westdale from Eagle Rock Blvd. Go two blocks to Campus Road. Take a left and go up the hill. UEPI's office is to the right at the top of the hill.   Look for a dirt parking area under some oak trees. Go to  
http://departments.oxy.edu/uepi/about/directions.htm for more detailed directions, a map and a photo of the office.


Small Business Drive Underway - ArroyoFest has launched its small business drive and has brochures available for people to take to local businesses.   Participating businesses will carry our posters and entry forms and can make cash or in-kind donations to the event between $100 and $1500.  The centerpiece of this effort is the production of a souvenir map of the Arroyo Seco listing local businesses donating $100 to the event.  The success of this drive is critical to the event.  Drop by our office and pick up some brochures if you'd be willing to contact local businesses about the event.  For more information on the business drive or to suggest businesses that might be interested e-mail Julie Uehara at
jtmathu@yahoo.com <mailto:jtmathu@yahoo.com>.

ArroyoFest Receives Support from County Sanitation Districts - ArroyoFest has received $1500 from Los Angeles County Sanitation District to support the event.  The District maintains Scholl Landfill in northeast Los Angeles and supports ArroyoFest's emphasis on conservation and a clean environment.   

Buy an ArroyoFest Sweat-free T-Shirt! - ArroyoFest is proud to announce an exciting partnership with Sweat-X, a worker-owned garment factory committed to a social justice and a livable wage for all its workers.  Through a generous gift of $2500 from Amalgamated Bank, Sweat-X will produce an initial run of ArroyoFest t-shirts.  This exciting partnership links the goals of social and environmental justice and will help both Sweat-X and ArroyoFest gain greater visibility.  Thanks to volunteer Peter Aeschbacher, we have a great t-shirt design.  First-run t-shirts will be $10 and profits from t-shirt sales will finance a second printing of shirts closer to the event.  If you or your group would like to order t-shirts contact Michelle Ashley or Alesandro Morosin at 323-341-5091.   

Posters and Entry Forms Coming Soon! - ArroyoFest posters and entry forms will be coming soon to community locations and businesses near you.  Thanks to in-kind donations from several different sources we're almost ready to send our initial promotional material to the printer.   On-line registration will also be available in the next couple of weeks.  So, keep checking our website (
http://www.arroyofest.org) and be the first to sign up to walk or bike on the freeway!

Teacher Workshop Dates Set - The dates for ArroyoFest Teachers Workshop have been set - Friday and Saturday, April 25th and 26th and Friday and Saturday, May 2nd  and 3rd.  Teachers are welcome to sign up for just the first weekend.  The workshop will take place at various locations around the Arroyo and focus on integrating study of the Arroyo's environment, history and community into K-12 curriculum.  There will be special activity demonstrations and facilitated discussions about how to meet state standards while teaching students about the Arroyo.  We need people to distribute fliers advertising this exciting opportunity to schools in the Arroyo area.   We're also looking for a small grant or in-kind donation of printing to produce copies of our resource guide for teachers attending the workshop.  For more information, click on the Teacher's link on the ArroyoFest home page or call 323-341-5093.

Help Needed:

Outreach! Outreach! Outreach! - We need help with outreach.   We are trying to get as many community organizations, religious centers, bike clubs, schools and businesses to sign up to be Friends of ArroyoFest.   We could really use your help in contacting these groups and delivering in person, by FAX or by e-mail our event information.   
* If you can contact non-profit, community or neighborhood groups, come to the next outreach meeting on March 17th or contact Edgar Garcia (
egarciathewall@earthlink.net or Alexis Moreno (lexmoreno@aol.com).  
* If you can contact local schools call 323-341-5093.  
* If you'd be willing to take information to local businesses e-mail Julie Uehara at
jtmahu@yahoo.com or come to the meeting on the 17th.  
* If you can contact bike shops, bike clubs or cycling organizations, contact Claudine Chen at

Fliers and brochures are available at our office at 2106 Colorado Blvd. in Eagle Rock.  Stop by anytime!  But I'll be here on Mondays after work to answer questions and provide information.

Marketing & Advertising Expertise Wanted - We will be having a meeting in the coming weeks to discuss creative ways to market and advertise ArroyoFest both locally and across the region.  If you have experience in marketing or advertising and would be willing to participate in a strategy session, call our office at 323-341-5093.  

Spanish Translation - This is our most immediate need!  Several professional translators have been recommended to us.  We need to conserve our funding right now, however, so if you know of someone who'd be willing to volunteer and can do quality translation of printed material, contact our office.

Illustrator Wanted to Draw Souvenir Arroyo Map - We are still looking for an illustrator who'd be willing to donate some time to create a souvenir map of the Arroyo.  We have several sample maps that can be used as a template.  Contact us at 323-341-5093 if you or someone you know would like to take on this project.

Naturalists and Facilitators Wanted for Teacher Workshop - The ArroyoFest Teacher's Workshop is looking for naturalists to take teachers on a nature walk in Hahamongna Watershed Park on Saturday morning, April 26th from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.   We are also in search of teachers currently doing service-learning or environmental activities with their classes to participate in a panel on either Friday, April 25th (environmental activities) or Saturday May 3rd (service-learning).

Performers or Workshop Leaders - ArroyoFest is still accepting applications for performers and workshop leaders for its community festival in Sycamore Grove Park. Go the web site
http://www.arroyofest.org and click on event, festival and performer links to get more information or contact Margaret Arnold at margaretava@hotmail.com

Farmer's Market/Food Coordinator -- ArroyoFest would like to offer healthy food and refreshments in Sycamore Grove Park to walkers, cyclists and festival goers. Let us know if you'd be interested in helping organize a small farmer's market or Taste of the Arroyo food court for local businesses.  Most of the profits from food vendors would be retained by the coordinator. Contact Claudine Chen at

ArroyoFest is sponsored by: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Urban and Environmental Policy Institute at Occidental College, Amalgamated Bank and Oralia Michel Marketing and Public Relations.

ArroyoFest is also supported by generous grants and donations from: Environment NOW, The Metropolitan Water District Community Partners Program, The Ford Foundation, City of Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department, City of Pasadena Department of Water and Power, City of Pasadena Department of Public Works.


"Thank you so much for including Aclita's note about the dates and Eagle Rock booth locations for the Girl Scout cookie sale.  So many people tell us that they weren't able to get cookies because they couldn't find our booths which do seem to pop up rather randomly during the sale period that goes to the end of March.  I feel that your readership includes a high percentage of people who care about helping us out.

Of the $3.00 purchase price of a box of cookies, $.70 goes to the troop selling, $.90 is the cost of the cookies and materials, and $1.40 goes for providing Girl Scouting programs in Angeles Council.  Angeles Council has the highest troop profit of any Girl Scout council.

There are many girls in our area who would like to join a troop.  What we always need are adult volunteers to implement the program.  If anyone in the Eagle Rock area is interested in joining, they should contact Angeles Girl Scout Council membership executive Cris Magana at (310) 450-3720, ext. 204.  Thanks again --"

-- Julie Wiant, Eagle Rock Girl Scout Neighborhood Cookie Chair

"A little secret in Eagle Rock is the dining hall at Occidental College...open to anyone.  They put this in a year or so ago and it is a 'station' type cafeteria that has a great selection of healthy food for everyone's taste, nice atmosphere where you can eat outside too -- great prices -- quiet and great for a business lunch.

There is also a bookstore on campus which isn't exactly like a commercial one as there are primarily textbooks but it is good to know about -- they do have other books and gifts.  

Did you know you can purchase a community membership to swim and use the weight at Oxy?  The pool is heated and the setting is classic Mediterranean ... a great place to cool off in the summer.  La Perla Bakery on N. Fig has the best churros and traditional Mexican pastry..try their Tres Leches Cake for a special occasion.

I love Figueroa! Can't you tell?"

-- Cardie Molina, Eagle Rock resident and TERA member


"Ask, and ye shall receive."

-- The Bible, John 16


We welcome your comments.  Please include your name.

Joanne Turner <artburn@earthlink.net>
President, The Eagle Rock Association (TERA)