Thanks to the hard
work of the Board of the Eagle Rock Community Preservation &
Revitalization Corporation, some interesting things are perking away along
Colorado Boulevard.
Last year, the Eagle Rock Community Preservation and Revitalization
Corporation (ERCPR), working with a consulting team led by Civic
Enterprise Associates, working under a state grant, came to the
realization that it was almost impossible for small business and property
owners to revitalize the storefronts along Eagle Rock's boulevards.
Once this came into focus, the Board of ERCPR began working with the
City Planning Department and the Department of Transportation to develop a
more innovative ordinance to deal with this problem. The ordinance will
create the City's first Community Parking District along Colorado
Boulevard. As long as public parking capacity exists, new business and
small property owners in the District will be able to et City approvals
for improvement projects in a matter of days, not the two years of
open-ended regulatory review some have had to endure in trying to improve
our community.
This measure, already endorsed in concept by diverse local
stakeholders, is going to be presented on a broader basis to various
community groups, including TERA's Preservation, Planning and Development
Committee and the Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council's Planning and Land Use
We Eagle Rockers love good food and drink, but hate having to hunt for
a parking space. We love it when new businesses locate here but have been
unable to attract some businesses because the parking necessary to satisfy
municipal code requirements has not been available. We profess to want to
preserve historic buildings, but can't get those same buildings
rehabilitated to be occupied by viable businesses because of some of these
same parking requirements. This proposed parking ordinance begins to
address these problems.
The proposed ordinance is on the agenda to be discussed at TERA's
Preservation, Planning and Development Committee, held on Wednesday,
January 18, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. at the Eagle Rock Branch Library Community
Meeting Room. It is also slated to be presented at the ERNC Planning and
Land Use Committee meeting, scheduled for Thursday, January 26, 2006 at
7:00 p.m. in the Eagle Rock City Hall basement. Parking, business
development, and property redevelopment concern all of us. I hope you will
be able to attend one of the meetings where this is going to be
Our thanks to the ERCPR Board for their pioneering efforts to seek
creative solutions to Eagle Rock's parking problems. We look forward to
learning more about the ordinance.
 Michael Tharp,
Speaker |
Tongva 2: Richard Toyon, Tribal Representative Speaks.
The Tongva people, who were they? Where were they? Where are they? We
will revisit the first Eagle Rockers on Tuesday, January 17 at 7:00 at the
Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock. 2225 Colorado Blvd. Richard Toyon, Tongva
tribal representative, will present an inside look at the native people of
our area. He will explore where and how they lived before the European
invasion. He will also speak of where the tribe stands today.
Very often, when people are told that there were Indians living in
southern California, the common reaction is first, surprise that there
were any Indians here at all and second, the question, and "Are there any
Indians left?" In fact, in the Los Angeles Basin, there were tens of
thousands living with each other before European contact, carrying on
commerce and trade with many tribes from many lands. The Tongva also
practiced a sophisticated monotheistic religion, systematic agriculture,
and animal husbandry, and used and controlled fire to their advantage and
to the advantage of the surrounding chaparral ecosystems. The Tongva, who
were part of the Shoshonean speaking group of native people who descended
from the western plains area of the U.S., lived in harmony in the Los
Angeles basin (and Eagle Rock) for as many as 90 centuries until the
single most life altering event took place in the lives of the
Tongva---the arrival of Father Junipero Serra and the Mission system.
Originally conceived to benefit the native people of Alta California, it
turned out to have unfortunate consequences with effects still being felt
today. This program is not a condemnation of the past but a look at what
once was, and the future by a direct descendant of that past and a true
native Californian.
Richard Toyon is a fourteenth generation Californian according to the
official records of the Mission San Juan Capistrano. He is a member of the
Achjachemem nation, the Mission Band of Juaneno Indians located in the
city of San Juan Capistrano, where his family originates. Mr. Toyon is
also the field representative in public and environmental affairs for the
Tongva Tribe, San Gabriel Band of Mission Indians, and has spoken on their
behalf on several environmental and cultural issues. In September of 2002,
Mr. Toyon was successful in lobbying congress in Washington, D.C. and in
Sacramento, to persuade the U.S. Geological Survey to officially name a
prominent peak in the Verdugo Mountains, Tongva Peak, in honor of the
first people of the Los Angeles basin. Later that year, the peak was
dedicated and the plaque that names the mountain sits imbedded in a
boulder on the summit of Tongva Peak in perpetuity. Mr. Toyon is also a
member of the La Crescenta City Council and an Emmy award winning
Production Designer.

You may or may not have seen Eagle Rock's flag flying over the junction
of SR-2 (the Glendale Freeway) and SR-134 (The Ventura Freeway) but you
now have an opportunity to buy your own reasonable facsimile of that large
flag. TERA, along with the ER Chamber of Commerce and ERCPR, is selling a
3' x 5' official Eagle Rock flag, complete with flag pole, suitable for
proudly displaying your community pride at whatever times you feel it
appropriate! The large 3' x 5' flag is $55.00 A small, hand held flag,
approximately 4" x 6" is also available for $5.50 All proceeds from the
sale of the flags by TERA will go into a flag maintenance fund for the
replacement of the flag flying over the 2 and 134 freeways.
Please contact the e-letter to make arrangements to purchase and pick
up your flag. Fly it with pride when ever you feel like it!
Shelton |
I am writing on behalf of the Women's Twentieth Century Club, asking
you to please pass along the following information:
Our dear friend and longtime member, Edna Shelton, died on Wednesday,
January 4, 2006. The Women's Club will be hosting a Memorial in her honor
on Sunday, January 15 from 2:00-4:00pm at the Clubhouse. The address is
5105 Hermosa Avenue @ Colorado Boulevard.
Please join with us to pay respects to this beloved educator and
community volunteer!
Questions can be directed to me.
Christine Richards, Publicity Chair
Linda Allen,
President of ERCPR, provides us an update on the state grant that has
helped revitalize many of the business facades in Eagle Rock, among other
ERCPR State Grant Update
The Eagle Rock Community Preservation & Revialization Corporation
has recently concluded the grant program awarded through the office of
Senator Jack Scott on July 1, 2000, ending June 20, 2005. This grant
included a facade improvement program and parking studies of the
commercial district. Projects had to be completed, and grant documents
presented to the state by April 30th for processing, although the grant
actually ends June 30th. No more facade grant money is available from this
The Storefront Improvement Program (SIP), or facade program, benefited
28 applicants, some of which extended to multiple properties with a number
of businesses within them. All in all, the program affected the facade
upgrades of approximately 45 businesses. Two of these were historic
landmark buildings. Included in the 28 were 8 Beautification Grant Awards.
These were designated at the end of our processes.
Two Parking Studies were performed with the monies provided by this
grant. The first, conducted by the Valley Economic Development Corporation
(VEDC), itemized the statistical and quantitative issues affecting the
commercial area, and offered possible solutions. The second, conducted by
Civic Enterprise Associates/MDA Johnson-Favaro Architects (CEA), was a
strategic planning document. They studied the solutions offered by VEDC,
and investigated which ones would work in the Eagle Rock area.
CEA put forth a short term and long-term management plan. The results
of this study are on-going, as Colorado Boulevard has become a pilot
program with the City of Los Angeles for both logistical parking issues,
and also parking regulation issues. CEA is working with the Los Angeles
City Planning Department, the Department of Transportation, and the
Council office to develop a strategic community parking management plan.
This is a first for Los Angeles, and the results will be important for
other areas of the City, especially those areas which contain older
buildings, where parking and change of use issues have been a problem.
The ERCPR believes this grant program has caused an enormous amount of
improvement and revitalization of the commercial district. Not only has it
given direct help to applicants, but it has encouraged other businesses to
upgrade their facades as well. The parking element of the program has
helped us deal with the current problems, see the relationship of the
actual logistics of parking to the parking regulation difficulties, and
plan for current and long-term solutions.
Thank you to Senator Scott and his staff for the opportunity to affect
these changes, to the consultants who aided in this endeavor and who are
continuing to do so, plus the ERCPR Board for spending years of their time
governing and administering this effort. We had hoped to make a
significant difference, and I believe we have.
Linda M. Allen, President, ERCPR

EXHIBITION, January 14th – February 14th, 2006
Artist Reception: January 21st, 6:00–9:00 pm
The Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock presents an exciting exhibition to
open its 2006 exhibition series. On the Wall: Sculpture features eight
artists creating artworks on the Center’s movable walls:
Clare Graham, Jacci Den Hartog, Connie Kramer, Donald Morgan, Patrick
Nickell, Rebecca Ripple, Ross Rudel, Alessandro Thompson
The Center’s exhibition committee (Jay Belloli, Peter Carillo, Isabel
Lutterodt, Julie McManus, Daniel Mendel-Black) invited these artists to
create artworks on the Center’s free standing walls. The walls will be
utilized not only as a surface but also to serve as wall-as-object to
create work.
From relief wall hangings to geometrical structures the artists have
composed an exhibition that brings vibrancy and eloquence to the Center’s
Spanish Revival architecture, a national landmark.
This exhibition is organized by the Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock’s
Program Director Lui Sanchez.
A related exhibition at the Armory Northwest – On theWall: Murals –
will be on view January 22 though April 2 and is organized by the Armory
Director of Programs Jay Belloli. Another related exhibition – On the
Wall: Drawings – will be on view at Pasadena City College Art Gallery and
is curated by PCC Art Gallery Director Brian Tucker. All three exhibitions
will open the evening of Saturday, January 21.
For more information call the Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock,
323.226.1617 or visit Gallery hours: Monday
through Friday 11am – 6pm, Saturday 10am – 3pm or by appointment. Free
admission. The Center is located near the corner of Eagle Rock Boulevard
and Colorado Boulevard at 2225 Colorado Blvd.
The Center for the Arts is a non-profit organization, supported solely
by grants and donations, providing low-cost art, music, and dance classes
to children and adults of surrounding areas and communities. Our federal
tax identification number is 95-4689576.
Visit the Center's Exhibition page
Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock
2225 Colorado Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90041
Web site: http://ww

“Seeking Guidance:
What Your Guides Want You to Know” with Kimberly Berg, psychic, at The
Blissful Soul, 4870 Eagle Rock Blvd. (next to Curves). People who have
attended Kimberly’s past two sessions have said they were truly amazed by
the information Kimberly has channeled for them. Each participant (limit
20) will receive their own mini-reading from Kimberly during this open
group session. Kimberly has been named the “American Idol Psychic” by
Entertainment Tonight, has been featured in “W” magazine, along with
various other publications, television programs and radio mediums. Cost of
the event is $25 RSVP to 323-258-6900 or
Subject: Parcel C of Taylor Yard Community Vision Workshop 1/14/06
Come share your vision for the development of Parcel C of Taylor Yard,
Saturday, January 14, 2006 from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm at Aragon Elementary
School, 1118 Aragon Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90065.
Located on San Fernando Road, just south of the future City/State Park,
Parcel C represents an opportunity to realize the community's vision for
new housing opportunities, neighborhood- serving commercial and retail
tenants, open space and linkages to the Los Angeles River revitalization
efforts. It also represents an opportunity to plan for a future rail line
that would connect Downtown Los Angeles to Northeast Los Angeles heading
north into the City of Glendale and the San Fernando Valley.
Please encourage family, friends, neighbors and members of your
respective organizations to come and participate in the site planning
process. Architects, Planners, Engineers, and Environmentalists will be on
hand to hear development options based on the community's vision.
For more information, please contact: Antonio Bermúdez, at McCormack
Baron Salazar, 801 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 780, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel. (213) 236-2660
Fax (213) 236-0707

Subject: Arroyo Seco Watershed Management and Restoration draft Plan
mtg 1/17/06
North East Trees would like to announce the completion of a draft of
the Arroyo Seco Watershed Management and Restoration Plan. This project
began in October of 2003 and was funded by a water quality grant
(Proposition 13) from the State of California. Many of you may have seen
interim updates about the plan at meetings of the Council of Arroyo Seco
Agencies (CASA) or the Council of Arroyo Seco Organizations (CASO). The
Plan proposes projects and programs to improve water quality and restore
habitat in the urbanized portions of the Arroyo Seco watershed, and builds
on the joint work completed by North East Trees and the Arroyo Seco
Foundation in the Arroyo Seco Watershed Restoration Feasibility Study,
completed in 2002.
We would like to invite all people interested in restoring the Arroyo
Seco to come learn about the plan, ask questions, and submit input before
the plan is finalized in early March. We will be conducting two public
meetings during the week of January 16, one in the southern watershed and
another (location permitting) in the north. The first meeting will be held
at 7PM on Tuesday, January 17th in the atrium of the Los Angeles River
Center, located at 570 W. Avenue 26 in the City of Los Angeles.
Information about the location, date and time of the second meeting will
be sent out as soon as a location is finalized.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, but would like to receive an
electronic version of the draft Plan, please send an email to Jason
Pelletier ( with your postal address and we will
mail you a CD-ROM version of the plan next week.
We hope to see you at the River Center.
Jason Pelletier
Project Manager
North East Trees
(m) 323-481-0491

Subject: Disaster! Are You Prepared, 1/19/06, Presented by the American
Red Cross and Co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Public Library
Together We Prepare
- What to do before, during and after a disaster
- How to make your disaster plan
- How to build a surviving kit for your family
- Where to get trained
Thursday Jan 19th, 2006 from 6:30-7:30pm at the Arroyo Seco Regional
Library, 6145 N Figueroa St. LA CA 90042. Phone: 323 255 0537
Subject: Faces in the Parade—Portraits of Northeast Los Angeles,
January 21 2006 – February 19 2006
The Arroyo Arts Collective presents an exhibition of painted and
photographic portraits by six local artists at the Acorn Gallery in
Highland Park. Featured artists include Della Rossa, Nora Riggs, Gwen
Freeman, Richard Espinosa, Ray Constantine, and Carol Colin.
The show is inspired by photos taken during the recent 61st Annual
Northeast Los Angeles Holiday Parade, a popular neighborhood event.
The public is invited to a reception for the artists, to be held on
Saturday, January 21, from 6 to 9 pm. Regular gallery hours are Saturday
and Sunday from noon to 4 pm.
The Acorn Gallery will also be open Saturday February 11, from 5 to 10
pm for the monthly N.E.L.A. Gallery Night.
The Acorn Gallery is located at 135 North Avenue 50 in Highland Park.
The gallery is one block north of Figueroa Street.
The Arroyo Arts Collective seeks to develop and present creative events
that educate and expand the audience for culture while creating an
awareness of the creative vitality which exists in Northeast L.A.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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